How are you circulating energy through your body?
Are you using the breath?
Is your energy/breath chaotic?
Are you able complete a full breath cycle as it continues the next? Where is your breath going? Is it generating any energy? If not, why not?
Energy, breath, life-all if it prefers to express itself in a cyclical, infinite manner.
A few questions to ponder.
Anytime I come back to the present moment, and reconnect, I observe my breath. Noticing where the energy within my body is going-because each breath is being directed somewhere.
Visualize yourself as a strainer or a screen. All thoughts and energy must pass THROUGH-otherwise they hold and tangle energy that you end up having to continually process as life goes on.
Would you rather absorb or let go?
A question I continually ask myself throughout the day, what am I not letting pass through me? What energy or thought am I holding onto?
Without this constant questioning we build up tangled energy within our body which then leads to disease.