One morning as I was working out just after my hip surgery back in December, I paused my podcast to realize that I’d been feeling disconnected. Disconnected from source and our divine nature.
Through desperation to rebalance and with the inspiration of my sister, I started to meditate again.
Since I was unable to cross my legs at that point in my post op recovery, I resumed my mediation practice while lying down in savasana.

For quite some time I struggled with feeling guilt about meditating while lying down since most of what is taught is that we are to sit upright in a seated position.
I put that aside as I continued to reap the incredibly centering benefits of daily mediation.

It felt so right to be able to spend time within at the start of each day.
Come to find I was unintentionally practicing Yoga Nidra each morning!
As with any mediation practice, the more you practice the more you realize you have much to learn.
I’ve really enjoyed reading and “meditating” on the concepts and history Tracee Stanley shares in her book Radiant Rest.
If you’re looking to deepen your practice or simply just expand your mind, this book will do that and quite possibly more!


