How are you communicating and informing your body to wake up and come online? I hope it’s gentle and gradual. As you can imagine, stimulants and sugar, although they “work,” are a shock to the system. Leaving your body in a sympathetic inflamed stress response for the rest of the day.

Water, food and light are the three most effective ways to signal and inform your circadian rhythm naturally.

What’s fantastic about the few simple tools listed below is that all three are either free or close to free.

As you know by now, I believe that sovereign health should be accessible to all.


Tongue scraper can be found here

  • Different areas of the tongue are related to different organs in the body. The state of our tongue can be used as a measure and state of health. By examining the tongue, you’re able to get a broad picture of what is happening in the body.

  • Film/toxins accumulate on the tongue during sleep. Scraping upon rising helps remove the toxins so that you aren’t swallowing and reabsorbing toxins as you go throughout the day.


  • Drinking a glass of hot lemon ginger water upon rising ignites the elimination process. This simple elixir supports the body in releasing all the stored toxins that have been gathered during sleep. During sleep we are processing and rounding up toxins to prepare to purse upon rising. We must give our body the opportunity to purge and eliminate these toxins.

  • Lemon is highly alkalinizing and ginger stimulates digestive fire (Agni).

  • Please don’t discount the importance of using distilled water. Water is to be as pure as possible and distilling removes all particulates.

  • For an added bonus, structure the water after it has been heated and you’ve added the ginger and lemon.


  • After you’ve completed the two items above, get outside as soon as possible. it’s free and one of the easiest ways to reset and inform your circadian clock. Morning light exposure supports your neurotransmitters, naturally producing balanced levels of serotonin and melatonin.

  • Light is one of the most powerful ways you can communicate and inform your body. Timing is key.

  • After all, we are light beings, so it makes sense that light would be the most effective way to communicate to each one of our trillions of cells.
